How much money does kenya make from tourism

How much money does kenya make from tourism

Posted: skylink Date: 12.06.2017

Its capital and largest city is Nairobi. Kenya's territory lies on the equator and overlies the East African Rift covering a diverse and expansive terrain that extends roughly from Lake Victoria to Lake Turkana formerly called Lake Rudolf and further south-east to the Indian Ocean.

It is bordered by Tanzania to the south and southwest, Uganda to the west, South Sudan to the north-west, Ethiopia to the north and Somalia to the north-east.

Kenya has a warm and humid tropical climate on its Indian Ocean coastline. The climate is cooler in the savannah grasslands around the capital city, Nairobi, and especially closer to Mount Kenyawhich has snow permanently on its peaks.

Further inland are highlands in Central and Rift Valley regions where tea and coffee are grown as cash crops which are major foreign revenue earners. In the West are Nyanza and Western regions, there is an equatorial, hot and dry climate which becomes humid around Lake Victoriathe largest tropical fresh-water lake in the world. This gives way to temperate and forested hilly areas in the neighbouring western region. The north-eastern regions along the border with Somalia and Ethiopia are arid and semi-arid areas with near- desert landscapes.

Kenya is known for its world class athletes in track and field and rugby. Thanks to its diverse climate and geography, expansive wildlife reserves and national parks such as the East and West Tsavo National ParkAmboseli National ParkMaasai MaraLake Nakuru National ParkAberdares National Park and white sand beaches at the Coastal region, Kenya is home to the modern safari and has several world heritage sites such as Lamu and numerous beaches, including in DianiBamburi and Kilifiwhere international yachting competitions are held every year.

The African Great Lakes region, which Kenya is a part of, has been inhabited by humans since the Lower Paleolithic period. By the first millennium AD, the Bantu expansion had reached the area from West -Central Africa. The borders of the modern state consequently comprise the crossroads of the Niger-CongoNilo-Saharan and Afroasiatic areas of the continent, representing most major ethnolinguistic groups found in Africa.

The British Empire established the East Africa Protectorate inwhich starting in gave way to the Kenya Colony. Kenya obtained independence in December Following a referendum in August and adoption of a new constitutionKenya is now divided into 47 semi-autonomous countiesgoverned by elected governors. The capital, Nairobiis a regional commercial hub. The economy of Kenya is the largest by GDP in East and Central Africa. The service industry is also a major economic driver.

Additionally, Kenya is a member of the East African Community trading bloc. The Republic of Kenya is named after Mount Kenya. The origin of the name Kenya is not clear, but perhaps linked to the Kikuyu, Embu and Kamba words Kirinyaga, Kirenyaa, and Kiinyaa which mean "God's resting place" in all three languages. Prehistoric volcanic eruptions of Mount Kenya now extinct may have resulted in its association with divinity and creation among the indigenous Bantu ethnic groups, who are the native inhabitants of the agricultural land surrounding Mount Kenya.

In the 19th century, the German explorer Johann Ludwig Krapf was staying with the Bantu Kamba people when he first spotted the mountain. Ludwig Krapf recorded the name as both Kenia and Kegnia believed by most to be a corruption of the Kamba version.

Fossils found in Kenya suggest that primates roamed the area more than 20 million years ago. Recent findings near Lake Turkana indicate that hominids such as Homo habilis 1. During excavations at Lake Turkana inpaleoanthropologist Richard Leakey assisted by Kamoya Kimeu discovered the Turkana Boya 1. Previous research on early hominids is particularly identified with Mary Leakey and Louis Leakeywho were responsible for the preliminary archaeological research at Olorgesailie and Hyrax Hill.

Later work at the former site was undertaken by Glynn Isaac. The first inhabitants of present-day Kenya were hunter-gatherer groups, akin to the modern Khoisan speakers.

Around BC, Nilotic -speaking pastoralists ancestral to Kenya's Nilotic speakers started migrating from present-day Southern Sudan into Kenya. By the first millennium AD, Bantu -speaking farmers had moved into the region. Remarkable prehistoric sites in the interior of Kenya include the archaeoastronomical site Namoratunga on the west side of Lake Turkana and the walled settlement of ThimLich Ohinga in Migori County.

The Kenyan coast had served host to communities of ironworkers and communities of Bantu subsistence farmers, hunters and fishers who supported the economy with agriculture, fishing, metal production and trade with foreign countries. These communities formed the earliest city states in the region which were collectively known as Azania.

By the 1st century CE, many of the city-states such as MombasaMalindiand Zanzibar began to establish trade relations with Arabs. This led to the increase economic growth of the Swahili states, introduction of IslamArabic influences on the Swahili Bantu languagecultural diffusionas well as the Swahili city-states becoming a member of a larger trade network.

The Kilwa Sultanate was a medieval sultanatecentred at Kilwa in modern-day Tanzania. At its height, its authority stretched over the entire length of the Swahili Coastincluding Kenya. It was said to be founded in the 10th century by Ali ibn al-Hassan Shirazi[30] a Persian Sultan from Shiraz in southern Iran. The Swahili built Mombasa into a major port city and established trade links with other nearby city-states, as well as commercial centres in Persia, Arabia, and even India.

Later on in the 17th century, once the Swahili coast was conquered and came under direct rule of Omani Arabsthe slave trade was expanded by the Omani Arabs to meet the demands of plantations in Oman and Zanzibar. Swahili, a Bantu language with ArabicPersianand other Middle Eastern and South Asian loanwordslater developed as a lingua franca for trade between the different peoples. Throughout the centuries, the Kenyan Coast has played host to many merchants and explorers.

Among the cities that line the Kenyan coast is the City of Malindi. It has remained an important Swahili settlement since the 14th century and once rivalled Mombasa for dominance in the African Great Lakes region.

Malindi has traditionally been a friendly port city for foreign powers. Inthe Chinese trader and explorer Zheng He representing the Ming Dynasty visited the East African coast on one of his last 'treasure voyages'.

The colonial history of Kenya dates from the establishment of a German protectorate over the Sultan of Zanzibar 's coastal possessions infollowed by the arrival of the Imperial British East Africa Company in Incipient imperial rivalry was forestalled when Germany handed its coastal holdings to Britain in This was followed by the building of the Kenya—Uganda railway passing through the country.

This was resisted by some ethnic groups—notably the Nandi led by Orkoiyot Koitalel Arap Samoei for ten years from to —however the British eventually built the railway. The Nandi were the first ethnic group to be put in a native reserve to stop them from disrupting the building of the railway.

Inthe East Africa Protectorate was turned into a colony and renamed Kenya for its highest mountain. During the railway construction era, there was a significant inflow of Indian people, who provided the bulk of the skilled manpower required for construction.

While building the railway through Tsavoa number of the Indian railway workers and local African labourers were attacked by two lions known as the Tsavo maneaters. At the outbreak of World War I in Augustthe governors of British East Africa as the protectorate was generally known and German East Africa agreed a truce in an attempt to keep the young colonies out of direct hostilities. Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck took command of the German military forces, determined to tie down as many British resources as possible.

Completely cut off from Germanyvon Lettow conducted an effective guerrilla warfare campaign, living off the land, capturing British supplies, and remaining undefeated. He eventually surrendered in Northern Rhodesia today Zambia fourteen days after the Armistice was signed in To chase von Lettow, the British deployed the British Indian Army troops from India but needed large numbers of porters to overcome the formidable logistics of transporting supplies far into the interior on foot.

The Carrier Corps was formed and ultimately mobilised overAfricans, contributing to their long-term politicisation. Throughout World War IIKenya was an important source of manpower and agriculture for the United Kingdom. Kenya itself was the site of fighting between Allied forces and Italian troops in —41 when Italian forces invaded.

Wajir and Malindi were bombed as well. During the early part of the 20th century, the interior central highlands were settled by British and other European farmers, who became wealthy farming coffee and tea. By the s, approximately 30, white settlers lived in the area and gained a political voice because of their contribution to the market economy.

The central highlands were already home to over a million members of the Kikuyu people, most of whom had no land claims in European terms and lived as itinerant farmers.

To protect their interests, the settlers banned the growing of coffee, introduced a hut tax, and the landless were granted less and less land in exchange for their labour. A massive exodus to the cities ensued as their ability to provide a living from the land dwindled. InPrincess Elizabeth and her husband Prince Philip were on holiday at the Treetops Hotel in Kenya when her father, King George VIdied in his sleep.

The young princess cut short her trip and returned home immediately to take her throne. She was crowned Queen Elizabeth II at Westminster Abbey in and as British hunter and conservationist Jim Corbett who accompanied the royal couple put it, she went up a tree in Africa a princess and came down a queen.

From October to DecemberKenya was in a state of emergency arising from the Mau Mau rebellion against British rule. The governor requested and obtained British and African troops, including the King's African Rifles. The British began counter-insurgency operations. In MayGeneral Sir George Erskine took charge as commander-in-chief of the colony's armed forces, with the personal backing of Winston Churchill. Operation Anvil opened on 24 Aprilafter weeks of planning by the army with the approval of the War Council.

The operation effectively placed Nairobi under military siege. Nairobi's occupants were screened and the Mau Mau supporters moved to detention camps. The Home Guard formed the core of the government's strategy as it was composed of loyalist Africans, not foreign forces such as the British Army and King's African Rifles.

The capture of Dedan Kimathi on 21 October in Nyeri signified the ultimate defeat of the Mau Mau and essentially ended the military offensive. The most important of these was the Swynnerton Planwhich was used to both reward loyalists and punish Mau Mau. The first direct elections for native Kenyans to the Legislative Council took place in Despite British hopes of handing power to "moderate" local rivals, it was the Kenya African National Union KANU of Jomo Kenyatta that formed a government.

The Colony of Kenya and the Protectorate of Kenya each came to an end on 12 December with independence being conferred on all of Kenya. The United Kingdom ceded sovereignty over the Colony of Kenya. The Sultan of Zanzibar agreed that simultaneous with independence for the Colony of Kenya, the Sultan would cease to have sovereignty over the Protectorate of Kenya so that all of Kenya would be one sovereign, independent state.

Exactly 12 months later on 12 DecemberKenya became a republic under the name "Republic of Kenya". Concurrently, the Kenyan army fought the Shifta War against ethnic Somali rebels inhabiting the Northern Frontier Districtwho wanted to join their kin in the Somali Republic to the north.

On 12 December the Republic of Kenya was proclaimed, and Jomo Kenyatta became Kenya's first president.

At Kenyatta's death inDaniel arap Moi became President. Daniel arap Moi retained the Presidency, being unopposed in elections held insnap elections andall of which were held under the single party constitution. The elections were held a year early, and were a direct result of an abortive military coup attempt on 2 August The abortive coup was masterminded by a low ranked Air Force serviceman, Senior Private Hezekiah Ochukaand was staged mainly by enlisted men in the Air Force.

The putsch was quickly suppressed by forces commanded by Chief of General Staff Mahamoud Mohameda veteran Somali military official. On the heels of the Garissa Massacre ofKenyan troops committed the Wagalla massacre in against thousands of civilians in Wajir County. An official probe into the atrocities was later ordered in The election held in saw the advent of the mlolongo queuing system, where voters were supposed to line up behind their favoured candidates instead of a secret ballot.

Several contentious clauses, including one that allowed for only one political party, were changed in the following years. InMoi was constitutionally barred from running, and Mwai Kibakirunning for the opposition coalition "National Rainbow Coalition" NARCwas elected President.

Anderson reports the elections were judged free and fair by local and international observers, and seemed to mark a turning point in Kenya's democratic evolution.

InKenyans rejected a plan to replace the independence constitution with a new one. The toll of the Post-election violence included approximately 1, deaths and up topeople left internally displaced. In mid, two consecutive missed rainy seasons precipitated the worst drought in East Africa seen in 60 years. The northwestern Turkana region was especially affected, [62] with local schools shut down as a result.

Aid agencies subsequently shifted their emphasis to recovery initiatives, including digging irrigation canals and distributing plant seeds. From the coast on the Indian Ocean, the low plains rise to central highlands. The highlands are bisected by the Great Rift Valleywith a fertile plateau lying to the east.

The Kenyan Highlands are one of the most successful agricultural production regions in Africa. Kenya's climate varies from tropical along the coast to temperate inland to arid in the north and northeast parts of the country.

The area receives a great deal of sunshine every month, and summer clothes are worn throughout the year. It is usually cool at night and early in the morning inland at higher elevations.

The rainfall is sometimes heavy and often falls in the afternoons and evenings. The temperature remains high throughout these months of tropical rain. The hottest period is February and March, leading into the season of the long rains, and the coldest is in July, until mid August. Kenya has considerable land area devoted to wildlife habitats, including the Masai Marawhere blue wildebeest and other bovids participate in a large scale annual migration. More than 1 million wildebeest andzebras participate in the migration across the Mara River.

The "Big Five" game animals of Africa, that is the lionleopardbuffalorhinocerosand elephantcan be found in Kenya and in the Masai Mara in particular. A significant population of other wild animals, reptiles and birds can be found in the national parks and game reserves in the country.

The annual animal migration occurs between June and September with millions of animals taking part, attracting valuable foreign tourism. This Serengeti Migration of the wildebeest is a curious spectacle listed among the Seven Natural Wonders of Africa. Kenya is a presidential representative democratic republic.

The President is both the head of state and head of governmentand of a multi-party system. Executive power is exercised by the government. Legislative power is vested in both the government and the National Assembly and the Senate. The Judiciary is independent of the executive and the legislature.

There was growing concern especially during former president Daniel arap Moi's tenure that the executive was increasingly meddling with the affairs of the judiciary.

Kenya Tourism Industry | Economy Watch

Kenya ranks low on Transparency International 's Corruption Perception Index CPIa metric which attempts to gauge the prevalence of public sector corruption in various countries. Following general elections held inthe Constitution of Kenya Review Act designed to pave the way for more comprehensive amendments to the Kenyan constitution was passed by the national parliament.

In DecemberKenyans held democratic and open elections, most of which were judged free and fair by international observers. Under the presidency of Mwai Kibakithe new ruling coalition promised to focus its efforts on generating economic growth, combating corruption, improving education, and rewriting its constitution. A few of these promises have been met.

There is free primary education. Under the new constitution and with President Kibaki prohibited by term limits from running for a third term, Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta ran for office. He won with In DecemberPresident Uhuru Kenyatta signed a Security Laws Amendment Bill, which supporters of the law suggested was necessary to guard against armed groups.

Opposition politicians, human rights groups, and nine Western countries criticised the security bill, arguing that it infringed on democratic freedoms. The governments of the United Statesthe United KingdomGermanyand France also collectively issued a press statement cautioning about the law's potential impact. Through the Jubilee Coalition, the Bill was later passed on 19 December in the National Assembly under acrimonious circumstances.

Kenya has close ties with its fellow Swahili -speaking neighbours in the African Great Lakes region.

Relations with Uganda and Tanzania are generally strong, as the three nations work toward economic and social integration through common membership in the East African Community. Relations with Somalia have historically been where are s p 500 futures traded, although there has been some military co-ordination against Islamist insurgents.

Kenya has good relations with the United Kingdom. 30 second binary options chart to use International Criminal Court trial dates scheduled in for both President Kenyatta and Deputy President William Ruto related to the election aftermath, US President Barack Obama chose not to visit the country during his cara trading forex etoro African trip.

The Kenya Defence Forces are the armed forces of the Republic of Kenya. The Kenya ArmyKenya Navy and Kenya Air Force compose the National Defence Forces.

The current Kenya Defence Forces were established, and its composition laid out, in Article of the Constitution of Kenya ; the KDF is governed by the Kenya Defence Forces Act of The armed forces are regularly deployed in peacekeeping missions around the world.

Further, in the aftermath of the national elections of December and the violence that subsequently engulfed the country, a commission of inquiry, the Waki Commissioncommended its readiness and adjudged it to "have performed its duty well. Kenya's armed forces, like many government institutions in the country, have been tainted by corruption problems learning about money ks1. Because the operations of the armed forces have been traditionally cloaked by the ubiquitous blanket of "state security", the corruption has been hidden from public view, and thus less subject to public scrutiny and notoriety.

This has changed recently. In what are by Kenyan standards unprecedented revelations, incredible claims of corruption were made with regard to recruitment [85] and procurement of Armoured Personnel Carriers. Kenya is divided into 47 semi-autonomous counties that are headed by governors. These 47 counties now form ccz statton stockbrokers first-order divisions of Kenya. The smallest administrative units in Kenya are called locations.

Locations often coincide with electoral wards. Many larger towns consist of several locations. Each location has a chief, appointed by the state. Constituencies are an electoral subdivision, with each county comprising a whole number of constituencies. An Interim Boundaries commission was formed in year to review the constituencies and in forex strategy ten pdf download report, it recommended creation of an additional 80 constituencies.

Previous to the elections, there were constituencies in Kenya. Homosexual acts are illegal forex wbk opinie Kenya and punishable by up to 14 years in prison.

In NovemberWikiLeaks brought wide international attention [94] to The Cry of Blood report. In the report, the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights KNCHR reported these in their key finding "e ", stating that the forced disappearances and extrajudicial killings appeared to be official policy sanctioned by the political leadership, the Police.

Although Kenya is the biggest and most advanced economy in east and central Africa, and has an affluent urban minority, it has a Dp global stock brokers Development Index HDI of 0. As of [update] Kenya is usually classified as a frontier market or occasionally an emerging marketbut it is not one of the least developed countries.

The economy has seen much expansion, seen by strong performance in tourism, higher education and telecommunicationsand acceptable [ neutrality is disputed ] post-drought results in agriculture, especially the vital tea sector. East and Central Africa's biggest economy has posted tremendous growth in the service sector, boosted by rapid expansion in telecommunication and financial activity over the last decade, and now [ when?

Privatisation of state corporations like the defunct Kenya Post and Telecommunications Company, which resulted in East Africa's most profitable company— Safaricomhas led to their revival because of massive private investment.

The World Bank estimated growth of 4. In Marchthe presidents of Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda re-established the East African Community EAC. The EAC's objectives include harmonising tariffs and customs regimes, free movement of people, and improving regional infrastructures.

In Marchthe three East African countries signed a Customs Union Agreement. Kenya is East and Central Africa's hub for financial services. The Nairobi Securities Exchange NSE is ranked 4th in Africa in terms of market capitalisation. The Kenyan banking mechcad acemoney v3.9 keymaker is supervised by the Central Bank of Kenya CBK.

As of late Julythe system consisted of 43 commercial banks down from 48 inseveral non-bank financial institutionsincluding mortgage companies, four savings and loan associations, and several core foreign-exchange bureaus. The tourism sector has exhibited steady growth in most years since independence and by the late s had become the country's principal source of foreign exchange.

Tourism has seen a substantial revival over the past several subversion branching strategy feature vs release and is the major contributor to the pick-up in the country's economic growth.

Tourism is now Kenya's largest foreign exchange earning sector, followed by flowers, tea, and coffee. Presently, there are also numerous shopping malls in Kenya. In addition, there are four main hypermarket chains in Kenya. Tourism enhances water supply. Agriculture is the second largest contributor to Kenya's gross domestic product GDPafter the service sector. The principal cash crops are tea, horticultural produce, and coffee. Horticultural produce and tea are the main growth sectors and the two most valuable of all of Kenya's exports.

The production of major food staples such as corn is subject to sharp weather-related fluctuations. Bond futures trading software reviews downturns periodically necessitate food aid—for example, in aid for 1. A consortium led by the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics ICRISAT has had some success in helping farmers grow new pigeon pea varieties, instead of maize, in particularly dry areas.

Successive projects encouraged the commercialisation of legumes, by stimulating the growth of local seed production and agro-dealer networks for distribution and marketing. The commercialisation of the pigeon pea is now enabling some farmers personal strategy for binary options trading buy assets, ranging from mobile phones to productive land and livestock, and is opening pathways for them to move out of poverty.

Tea, coffee, sisal, pyrethrum, corn, and wheat are grown in the fertile highlands, one of the most successful agricultural production regions in Africa.

Coconutspineapplescashew nutscotton, sugarcanesisaland corn are grown in the lower-lying areas. This was last seen in August and September prompting the Sample earnest money contract texas for Kenya initiative by the Red Cross.

Kenya's irrigation sector is categorized into three organizational types: The smallholder schemes are owned, developed and managed by individuals or groups of farmers operating as water users or self-help groups. Irrigation is carried out on individual or on group farms averaging 0. There binary option working strategy about 3, smallholder irrigation schemes covering a total area of 47, ha.

The country has seven large, centrally managed irrigation schemes, namely Mwea, BuraHolaPerkeraWest Kano, Bunyala and Ahero covering a total commanded area of 18, ha and averaging 2, ha per scheme. They utilize high technology and produce high-value crops for the export market, especially flowers and vegetables.

how much money does kenya make from tourism

Kenya is the world's 3rd largest exporter of cut flowers. Industrial activity, concentrated around the three largest urban centres, NairobiMombasa and Kisumuis dominated by food-processing industries such as grain milling, beer production, and sugarcane crushing, and the fabrication of consumer goods, e. There is a cement production industry.

Culture of Kenya - history, people, clothing, traditions, women, beliefs, food, customs, family

In addition, a substantial and expanding informal sector commonly referred to as jua kali engages in small-scale manufacturing of household goods, auto parts, and farm implements. Kenya's inclusion among the beneficiaries of the US Government's African Growth and Opportunity Act AGOA has given a boost to manufacturing in recent years. The largest share of Kenya's electricity supply comes from geothermal energy [] followed by hydroelectric stations at dams along icici stock market training upper Tana Riveras well as the Turkwel Gorge Dam in the west.

A petroleum-fired plant on the coast, geothermal facilities at Olkaria near Nairobiand electricity imported from Uganda make up the rest of the supply. Kenya's installed capacity stood at 1, megawatts between and The state-owned Kenya Electricity Generating Company KenGenestablished in under the name of Kenya Power Company, handles the generation of electricity, while Kenya Power handles the electricity transmission and distribution system in the country.

Shortfalls of electricity occur periodically, when drought reduces water flow. To become energy sufficient, Kenya aims to build a nuclear power plant by Kenya has proven deposits of oil in Turkana and the commercial viability was just discovered. Tullow Oil estimates Kenya's oil reserves to be around 10 billion barrels. Kenya currently imports all crude petroleum requirements. Kenya, east Africa's largest economy, has no how much money does kenya make from tourism reserves and relies solely on oil marketers' day oil reserves required under industry regulations.

Published comments on Kenya's Capital FM website by Liu Guangyuan, China's ambassador to Kenyaat the time of President Kenyatta's trip to Beijing, said, "Chinese investment in Kenya Kenyatta was "[a]ccompanied by 60 Kenyan business people [and hoped to] Base Titanium, a subsidiary of Base resources of Australia, shipped its first major consignment of minerals to China. About 25, tonnes of ilmenite was flagged off the Kenyan coastal town of Kilifi. The first shipment was expected to earn Kenya about Kshs15—20 billion in earnings.

Inthe Kenyan government unveiled Visionan economic development programme it hopes will put the country in the same league as the Asian Economic Tigers by the year Inmount and blade warband best way to make money launched a National Climate Change Action Plan, having acknowledged that omitting climate as a key development issue in Vision was an oversight.

At the launch in Marchthe Secretary of the Ministry of Planning, National Development and Vision earning money with scrap metal that climate would be a central issue in the renewed Medium Term Plan that would be launched in the coming months.

This would create a direct and robust delivery framework for the Action Plan and ensure climate change is treated as an economy-wide issue. Kenya has proven oil deposits in Turkana County. President Mwai Kibaki announced on 26 March that Tullow Oilan Anglo-Irish oil exploration firm, had struck oil but its commercial viability and subsequent production would take about three years to confirm.

Early in Chinese President Hu Jintao signed an oil exploration contract with Kenya, part of a series of deals designed to keep Africa's natural resources flowing to China's rapidly expanding economy.

The deal allowed for China's state-controlled offshore oil and gas company, CNOOCbollinger bands forex ea prospect for oil in Kenya, which is just beginning to drill its first exploratory wells on the borders of Sudan and Somalia and in coastal waters.

There are formal estimates of the possible reserves of oil discovered. Child labour is common in Kenya. Most working children are active in agriculture. Most of the prostitutes in Kenya are aged 9— Out of approximately 40 million Kenyansabout 14 million Kenyans are not able to receive financial service through formal loan application service and an additional 12 million Kenyans have no access to financial service institutions at all.

Further, 1 million Kenyans are reliant on informal groups for receiving financial aid. Kenya had a population of approximately 48 million people in January Kenya's capital, Nairobi, is home to Kiberaone of the world's largest slums.

The shanty town is believed to house between[] and 1 million locals. Kenya has a diverse population that includes most major ethnoracial and linguistic groups found in Africa. According to the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics KNBSKenya has a total population of 38, inhabitants. The largest native ethnic groups are the Kikuyu 6,Luhya 5,Kalenjin 4,Luo 4,Kamba 3,Kisi 2,Mijikenda 1,Meru 1,Turkana, and MaasaiForeign-rooted populations include Kenyan ArabsSomalisAsians and Europeans.

Kenya's various ethnic groups typically speak their mother tongues within their own communities. The two official languagesEnglish and Swahiliare used in varying degrees of fluency for communication with other populations. English is widely spoken in commerce, schooling and government. British English is primarily used in Kenya. Additionally, a distinct local dialect, Kenyan Englishis used by some communities and individuals in the country, and contains features unique to it that were derived from local Bantu languagessuch as Kiswahili and Kikuyu.

Sheng is a Kiswahili-based cant spoken in some urban areas. Primarily consisting of a mixture of Kiswahili and English, it is an example of linguistic code-switching.

There are a total of 69 languages spoken in Kenya. Most belong to two broad language families: Niger-Congo Bantu branch and Nilo-Saharan Nilotic branchspoken by the country's Bantu and Nilotic populations, respectively.

The Cushitic and Arab ethnic minorities speak languages belonging to the separate Afroasiatic family, with the Indian and European residents speaking languages from the Indo-European family. Minorities of other faiths exist Muslim Western areas of the Coast Region are mostly Christian.

Kenya's private sector is one of the most advanced and dynamic in Sub-Saharan Africa and is the main source of health care even for the nation's poorest people. The private health sector is larger and more easily accessible than both the public and the non-profit health sectors in terms of facilities and personnel. According to a World Bank report, nearly half of the poorest 20 percent of Kenyans use a private health facility when a child is sick.

Private health facilities are diverse and cater for all economic groups. World-class hospitals such as the Aga Khan Hospital and the Mombasa Hospital are comparable to many hospitals in the developed world but are expensive and accessible only to the rich and the insured. Many affordable and low-cost private medical institutions and clinics exist and are easily accessible to the poor and the working middle-class.

The unlicensed practice and control of medical practice by laymen through limited liability mr binary options brokers with no deposit bonus news and other artificial legal entities is common and widespread unlike other countries where it is strictly forbidden.

The public health sector consists of community-based fx options trader jobs singapore I services which are run by community health workers, dispensaries level II facilities which are run by nurses, health centers level III facilities which are run by clinical officers, sub-county hospitals level IV facilities which may be run by a clinical officer or a medical officer, county hospitals level V facilities which may be run by a medical officer or a medical practitioner, and national referral hospitals level VI facilities which are run by fully qualified medical practitioners consultants and sub-specialists.

Nurses are by far the largest group of front-line health care providers in all sectors followed by clinical officersmedical officers and medical practitioners. According to the Kenya National Bureau of Statisticsin there were 65, qualified nurses registered in the country; 8, clinical officers and 7, doctors for the population of 43 million people These figures from official registers include those who have died or left the profession hence the actual number of these workers may be lower.

Traditional healers Herbalistswitch how to earn money writing greeting cards and faith healers are readily stock brokers lafayette la, trusted and writing off losses stock market consulted as practitioners of first or last choice by both rural and urban dwellers.

Despite major achievements in the health sector, Kenya still faces many challenges. The life expectancy estimate has dropped to approximately 55 years in —five years below levels. Diseases of poverty directly correlate with a country's economic performance and wealth distribution: Half of Kenyans live below the poverty level. According to estimates, HIV prevalence is about 6. The total fertility rate in Kenya is estimated to be 4. Children attend nursery school, or kindergarten in the private sector until they are five years old.

This lasts one to three years KG1, KG2 and KG3 and is financed privately because there has been no government policy regarding it until recently. Basic formal education starts at age six years and lasts 12 years consisting of eight years in primary school and four years in high school or secondary school. Those who complete high school can join a polytechnic or other technical college and study for three years, or proceed directly to the university and study for four years.

Graduates from the polytechnics and colleges can then join the workforce and later obtain a specialized higher diploma qualification after a further one to two years of training, or join the university—usually in the second or third year of their respective course.

The higher diploma is accepted by many employers in place of a bachelor's degree and direct or accelerated admission to post-graduate studies is possible in some universities. Public universities in Kenya are thaiforexschool board commercialized institutions and only a small fraction of qualified high school graduates are admitted on limited government-sponsorship into programs of their choice.

Most are admitted into the social sciences, which are cheap to run, or as self-sponsored students paying the full cost of their studies. Most qualified students who miss out opt for middle-level diploma programs in public or private universities, colleges, and polytechnics. Preschool, which targets children from age three to five, is an integral component of the education system and is a key requirement for admission to Standard One First Grade.

At the end of primary education, pupils sit the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education KCPEwhich determines those who proceed to secondary school or vocational training. The result of this examination is needed for placement at secondary school. Students sit examinations in eight subjects of their choosing. However, English, Kiswahili and mathematics are compulsory subjects. The Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service KUCCPSformerly the Joint Admissions Board JABis responsible for selecting students joining the public universities.

Other than the public schools, there are many private schools, mainly in urban areas. Similarly, there are a number of international schools catering to various overseas educational systems.

The culture of Kenya consists of multiple traditions. Kenya has no single prominent culture that identifies it. It instead consists of the various cultures of the country's different communities. Notable populations include the Swahili on the coast, several other Bantu communities in the central and western regions, and Nilotic communities in the northwest.

The Maasai culture is well known to tourism, despite constituting a relatively small part of Kenya's population. They are renowned for their elaborate upper body adornment and jewellery. Kenya has a number of media outlets that broadcast domestically and globally. They cover news, business, sports and entertainment. Popular Kenyan newspapers include:.

His novel, Weep Not, Childis an illustration of life in Kenya during the British occupation. The story details the effects of the Mau Mau on the lives of Kenyans. Its combination of themes— colonialismeducation, and love—helped to make it one of the best-known novels in Africa. Vassanji 's novel The In-Between World of Vikram Lall won the Giller Prize in It is the fictional memoir of a Kenyan of Indian heritage and his family as they adjust to the changing political climates in colonial and post-colonial Kenya.

Additionally, sincethe literary journal Kwani? Kenya has a diverse assortment of popular music forms, in addition to multiple types of folk music based on the variety over 40 regional languages. The drums are the most dominant instrument in popular Kenyan music. Drum beats are very complex and include both native rhythm and imported ones, especially the Congolese cavacha rhythm.

Popular Kenyan music usually involves the interplay of multiple parts, and more recently, showy guitar solos as well. There are also a number of local hip hop artists, including Jua Cali.

Lyrics are most often in Kiswahili or English. There is also some emerging aspect of Lingala borrowed from Congolese musicians. Lyrics are also written in local languages. Urban radio generally only plays English music, though there also exist a number of vernacular radio stations.

Zilizopendwa is a genre of local urban music that was recorded in the s, 70s and 80s by musicians such as Daudi KabakaFadhili William and Sukuma Bin Ongaroand is particularly revered and enjoyed by the older folks—having been popularised by the Kenya Broadcasting Corporation's Kiswahili service formerly called Voice of Kenya or VOK.

The isukuti is a vigorous dance performed by the Luhya sub-tribes to the beat of a traditional drum called the Isukuti during many occasions such as the birth of a child, marriage and funerals.

Other traditional dances include the Ohangla among the LuoNzele among the MijikendaMugithi among the Kikuyu and Taarab among the Swahili. Additionally, Kenya has a growing Christian gospel music scene. Prominent local gospel musicians include the Kenyan Boys Choir. Benga music has been popular since the late s, especially in the area around Lake Victoria.

The word benga is occasionally used to refer to any kind of pop music. Bass, guitar and percussion are the usual instruments. Kenya is active in several sports, among them cricketrallyingfootballrugby union and boxing. Kenyan athletes particularly Kalenjin continue to dominate the world of distance running, although competition from Morocco and Ethiopia has reduced this supremacy.

Kenya's best-known athletes included the four-time women's Boston Marathon winner and two-time world champion Catherine Nderebam world record holder David Rudishaformer Marathon world record-holder Paul Tergatand John Ngugi. Kenya won several medals during the Beijing Olympics, six gold, four silver and four bronze, making it Africa's most successful nation in the Olympics. New athletes gained attention, such as Pamela Jelimothe women's m gold medalist who went ahead to win the IAAF Golden League jackpot, and Samuel Wanjiru who won the men's marathon.

Retired Olympic and Commonwealth Games champion Kipchoge Keino helped usher in Kenya's ongoing distance dynasty in the s and was followed by Commonwealth Champion Henry Rono 's spectacular string of world record performances. Lately, there has been controversy in Kenyan athletics circles, with the defection of a number of Kenyan athletes to represent other countries, chiefly Bahrain and Qatar. Kenya has been a dominant force in women's volleyball within Africa, with both the clubs and the national team winning various continental championships in the past decade.

Cricket is another popular sport, also ranking as the most successful team sport. Kenya has competed in the Cricket World Cup since They upset some of the world's best teams and reached the semi-finals of the tournament. They won the inaugural World Cricket League Division 1 hosted in Nairobi and participated in the World T They also participated in the ICC Cricket World Cup Their current captain is Rakep Patel.

Kenya is represented by Lucas Onyango as a professional rugby league player who plays with Oldham Roughyeds. Besides the former European Super League team, he has played for Widnes Vikings and rugby union with Sale Sharks. The Kenya Sevens team ranked 9th in IRB Sevens World Series for the season. Inthe team beat Fiji at the Singapore Sevens finals, making Kenya the second African nation after South Africa to win a World Series championship.

However, its dominance has been eroded by wrangles within the now defunct Kenya Football Federation[] leading to a suspension by FIFA which was lifted in March In the motor rallying arena, Kenya is home to the world-famous Safari Rallycommonly acknowledged as one of the toughest rallies in the world. Although the rally still runs annually as part of the Africa rally championship, the organisers are hoping to be allowed to rejoin the World Rally championship in the next couple of years.

Nairobi has hosted several major continental sports events, including the FIBA Africa Championship where Kenya's national basketball team finished in the top four, its best performance to date. Kenyans generally have three meals in a day—breakfast in the morning kiamsha kinywalunch in the afternoon chakula cha mchana and supper in the evening chakula cha jioni or known simply as "chajio".

Breakfast is usually tea or porridge with bread, chapatimahamriboiled sweet potatoes or yams. Ugali with vegetables, sour milk, meat, fish or any other stew is generally eaten by much of the population for lunch or supper. Regional variations and dishes also exist. In cities such as Nairobithere are fast food restaurants, including SteersKFC[] [ dead link ] and Subway. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For the commune in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, see Kenya, Lubumbashi.

Jamhuri ya Kenya Kiswahili. Ee Mungu Nguvu Yetu O God of all creation. Swahili culture and Sultanate of Zanzibar. Wildlife of Kenya and Environmental issues in Kenya. Kenyan general election, ; Kenyan presidential election, ; Kenya National Assembly elections, ; Kenya Senate elections, ; Kenya gubernatorial elections, ; Kenya Women Representatives elections, ; and Kenya County Representative elections, Foreign relations of Kenya.

Counties of Kenya and Divisions of Kenya. Human rights in Kenya and LGBT rights in Kenya. List of cities and towns in Kenya by population. Largest cities or towns in Kenya OpenData Kenya CIA Factbook. Kenya portal Geography of Kenya portal Africa portal. Retrieved 28 May Archived from the original PDF on 10 August Retrieved 22 May Retrieved 26 July Retrieved 9 April A Handbook for Expatriates.

Retrieved 13 May Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: Mkuki na Nyota Publishers. Travels, Researches, and Missionary Labours in Eastern Africa. The Brade Travel Guide. Bradt Travel Guides Ltd. Journal of the Royal African Society. University of Chicago Press. International Labour Organizationp. Eastern and Southern Africa in World History, B. Wayne Crop Production: Retrieved 16 April Retrieved 17 July From Antiquity to the 21st centuryABC-CLIO, p.

The International Journal of African Historical Studies. Retrieved 7 June Kris Hirst 12 February The African Dispersal in the Deccan.

Retrieved 12 October Mugo Gatheru Kenya: Archived from the original on 3 January An Analysis of Peasant RevoltIndiana University Press, Poverty and Dependency in Northern Kenya". Journal of the International African Institute. The Journal of Modern African Studies. Consulate General of Kenya in New York.

Archived from the original on 8 June Retrieved 15 February Raila Odinga orders Kenya probe". Retrieved 14 November Handbook on Religious Liberty Around the World. The Kenya Referendum on the Constitution". Archived from the original on January 10, Archived from the original on 4 January Retrieved 7 August Says Famine in Somalia Is Over, but Risks Remain. The New York Times. Retrieved 29 May Retrieved 4 April Free Primary Education in Kenya — NORRAG".

Retrieved 26 February Retrieved 22 December Kenya — Foreign Relations. Retrieved on 16 January Retrieved 18 August Ambassador Liu's comments at capitalfm. Circumstances created need that made visit possible".

National Council for Law Reporting. Retrieved 6 May See The Standard Kenya's 'new' fighter jets cannot take off INTERNET http: Archived from the original on 28 December Archived PDF from the original on 28 December Retrieved 29 December Retrieved 23 April United Nations World Food Programme. Retrieved 5 August ICRISAT Posted 10 October Downloaded 26 January They probably came from Kenya". Employers' organizations taking the lead on linking the informal sector to formal Kenyan enterprises".

Retrieved 10 June Reuters 10 November Business — Kenya joins mineral exporters as first titanium cargo leaves port". Retrieved 27 June The Intersection of Poverty, Legislation and Culture" PDF. Nordic Journal of African Studies. The Christian Science Monitor. Crucial Omission in Development Forecasts Emerging Risks and Way Out ". Kibera numbers fail to add up".

Retrieved 4 September Retrieved 10 February Social StudiesEast African Publishers, pp. Kenya National Bureau of Statistics KNBS. The impact of Swahili and Kikuyu on syntax".

Retrieved 8 August Retrieved 20 October Archived from the original on 10 August Retrieved 15 January Ministry of State for Planning.

how much money does kenya make from tourism

Archived from the original on 11 March International Religious Freedom Report ". Kenya acts against unkindest cut". Retrieved 7 January Retrieved 23 June Changes of Allegiance to Champions Kenya Scoop Major Continental Awards ".

Kenya shock Fiji and win maiden title in Singapore". Retrieved 24 January Retrieved 9 August Ludeki Chweya; John Kithome Tuta; S. Kichamu AkivagaControl of Corruption in Kenya: Legal-political DimensionsThe University of Michiganp. Find more about Kenya at Wikipedia's sister projects. Biosphere reserves Climate Ecoregions Environmental issues Great Rift Valley Lakes Mountains Protected areas Rivers Volcanoes Wildlife World Heritage Sites. Constitution Elections Foreign relations Government Human rights Intersex LGBT Judiciary Law enforcement Military Parliament Political parties President list Deputy President Prime Minister defunct.

Agriculture Central bank Coffee Energy Real Estate Shilling currency Telecommunications Tourism Transport. Corruption Crime Demographics Education Health healthcare Languages Religion Water supply and sanitation.

Anthem Cinema Coat of arms English Engsh Flag Names Literature Media Museums Music Public holidays Sports Sheng Video gaming. Countries and territories of Africa. States with limited recognition. Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic Somaliland. Articles related to Kenya. First- and second-level administrative divisions of Kenya. Baringo 30 Bomet 36 Bungoma 39 Busia 40 Elgeyo-Marakwet 28 Embu 14 Garissa 07 Homa Bay 43 Isiolo 11 Kajiado 34 Kakamega 37 Kericho 35 Kiambu 22 Kilifi 03 Kirinyaga 20 Kisii 45 Kisumu 42 Kitui 15 Kwale 02 Laikipia 31 Lamu 05 Machakos 16 Makueni 17 Mandera 09 Marsabit 10 Meru 12 Migori 44 Mombasa 01 Murang'a 21 Nairobi 47 Nakuru 32 Nandi 29 Narok 33 Nyamira 46 Nyandarua 18 Nyeri 19 Samburu 25 Siaya 41 Taita-Taveta 06 Tana River 04 Tharaka-Nithi 13 Trans-Nzoia 26 Turkana 23 Uasin Gishu 27 Vihiga 38 Wajir 08 West Pokot Nairobi capital Athi River Baragoi Bomet Bungoma Busia Chuka Eldoret Embu Garissa Hola Homa Bay Isiolo Iten Kabarnet Kajiado Kakamega Kapsabet Kangundo - Tala Kapenguria Karuri Kericho Kerugoya Kiambu Kibwezi Kikuyu Kilifi Kisii Kisumu Kitale Kitengela Kitui Kwale Limuru Lodwar Lokichogio Loiyangalani Lamu Machakos Makindu Malindi Mandera Maralal Marsabit Masii Meru Mombasa Moyale Mtito Andei Mumias Murang'a Mutomo Mwingi Naivasha Nakuru Namanga Nanyuki Narok Nyahururu Nyamira Nyeri Ol Kalou Ongata Rongai Ruiru Siaya Thika Vihiga Voi Wajir Webuye Wote Wundanyi.

Years in Kenya —present. Pre Members of the Commonwealth of Nations. Antigua and Barbuda Australia Bahamas Bangladesh Barbados Belize Botswana Brunei Cameroon Canada Cyprus Dominica Fiji Ghana Grenada Guyana India Jamaica Kenya Kiribati Lesotho Malawi Malaysia Malta Mauritius Mozambique Namibia Nauru New Zealand Nigeria Pakistan Papua New Guinea Rwanda St. Kitts and Nevis St. Vincent and the Grenadines Samoa Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Solomon Islands South Africa Sri Lanka Swaziland Tanzania Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tuvalu Uganda United Kingdom Vanuatu Zambia.

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