Good gold farming spots in wow mop

Good gold farming spots in wow mop

Posted: wedding Date: 26.05.2017

A place to discuss the economy in World of Warcraft. Discussion should focus on the theory of making gold in World of Warcraft. New watercooler threads are posted on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday then stickied on each subsequent day. Potion of Luck Gold Farming Spot Gold Per Hour self.

Spot not well known.

It is in the Northern Barrens zone. Place is unique in that it also drops a unique 24 slot bag and a chance at the Gahz'rooki pet which can sell very well. So you have to use a potion of luck on this spot even if it's not in pandaria? Thanks for the video again, just found your channel, I love it! Just found your channel today great to see youre on reddit aswell thanks for the helpfull video's!

Went across to have a look at this spot on Nordrassil EU and it was being farmed by at least four people at the same time. I camped a few decent spots and managed to make about g per 20 min with a potion of luck.

good gold farming spots in wow mop

Got lots of other goodies like trillium ore, cloth and motes of harmony. Went across to Mogushan for 20 minutes after that and made about the same. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy.

World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Gold Farming Tips | hubpages

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good gold farming spots in wow mop

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When selling tokens, you get a fixed rate regardless of when it sells- why the wait? This is an archived post.

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You won't be able to vote or comment. I'll have to check it out. I did find a rare battle pet though.


And it'll work outside of Pandaria? They are level 90 mobs. Posts are automatically archived after 6 months.

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